Soothing Sleep Workshop for Sensitive People

Quiet Overthinking and Get Better Sleep

If overthinking or restlessness often get in the way of falling asleep, this free workshop will guide you through a simple two-part practice to help you wind down before bed and feel more relaxed as a sensitive person.

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Psychotherapist + Author

Dedicated to helping HSPs fully understand their unique needs, release the guilt of prioritizing those needs, and start creating a life on their own terms so their Sensitive Strengths can shine.

Are You Getting Enough Rest?

Being able to get enough sleep as a Sensitive Person can feel like an impossible task! Your mind keeps you awake thinking of every little detail from the day. Even when you do get 7-8 hours of sleep, you still struggle to get out of bed the next morning. Why is it so hard to sleep when you need it the most?

In this free workshop, you'll learn more about your unique sleep needs and gentle practices to help you decompress and fall asleep more easily.

What You'll Learn:

  • Why sensitive folks need more sleep than most people do to feel rested and focused.
  • The most common barrier to sleep for those who feel more deeply and notice little details that others miss.
  • How to decompress and clear your head when you're feeling frazzled or stuck in overthinking mode after a stressful day.
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What's Included:

  • Free workshop with soothing mindfulness practices to help you relax your sensitive nervous system and de-stress so you can fall asleep more easily.
  • Digital mini workbook with bedtime reflection exercises to help you review the day, process your feelings about it, and clear your mind for sleep.
  • Savings on my Gentle Sleep Support Course to create supportive bedtime and morning routines that will help you feel less overwhelmed and more in alignment with your sensitive needs.
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